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Permanent Partial Disability

If you have a permanent injury from a workplace injury but you are still able to work in some capacity, you may receive permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits. PPD benefits are based on a pre-determined ‘schedule of benefits’ updated every year and are paid over a particular number of weeks. The Schedule of Benefits outlines the monetary value of each percentage of disability as it relates to different body parts. 


After you have reached maximum medical improvement, a doctor hired by you and a doctor hired by your employer will examine and evaluate you to determine the level of your permanent impairment and give you a permanent disability percentage rating. Then your attorney and your employer’s attorney will attempt to negotiate a settlement that would need to be approved by a Judge. If a settlement cannot be reached, then there will be a trial and the Judge of Compensation will make a decision after hearing testimony from you, your medical expert(s), and sometime your treating doctors.


An employer will usually pay an injured workers medical treatment and temporary disability benefits, but rarely will an employer voluntarily pay a permanency award. You need to hire the experienced Di Rienzo Law Firm to represent you in your workers’ compensation case.

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