Drug Charges
The opioid epidemic has renewed the war on drugs in New Jersey with law enforcement and the courts vigorously arresting and prosecuting drug crimes and judges handing down severe jail times, fines, and other penalties.
If you are convicted of a drug charge it can have long-lasting effects on your life, reputation and future (such as extensive prison sentences, financially crippling fines, loss of driver’s license, loss of a career and job, not to mention the rippling effects it could have on your family, friends, and or children).
The earlier you have our firm in your corner, the greater the chances you have in obtaining a favorable outcome. As a former Assistant Prosecutor and NJ Trooper who spent 10 years as a Detective, Detective Sergeant, and Lieutenant in various drug interdiction and gang units, I have the extensive experience and unique perspective to evaluate and investigate your case in order to identify and point out any problems with the prosecution’s case which will lead to the best possible outcome.
Some of the Types of Drug Cases we will represent you on are:
Possessing, Distributing, or Selling Drugs in a School Zone
Possessing, Distributing, or Selling Drugs 500’ from Public Park
Use or Being Under the Influence of Drugs
License Suspension for Drug Offenses
Needle or Syringe Possession
Booby Trapping & Fortifying Premises Used to Sell Drugs
Failure to Make Lawful Disposition of Drugs
Marijuana Possession
Marijuana Possession of Less Than 50 Grams
Cocaine Possession
Heroin Possession
Methamphetamine Offenses
Ecstasy Offenses
Imitation Drug Offenses
Prescription Drug Offenses
The punishments you are facing depends on the severity of the crime as follows:
First Degree Crime – You face 10 to 20 years in prison and can be ordered to pay a fine of up to $200,000.
Second Degree Crime – You face 5 to 10 years in prison and can be ordered to pay a fine of up to $150,000.
Third Degree Crime - You face 3 to 5 years in prison and can be ordered to pay a fine of up to $15,000.
Fourth Degree Crime - You face up to 18 months in prison and can be ordered to pay a fine of up to $10,000.
Disorderly Persons Offense - You can be ordered to pay a fine of up to $1,000.
Petty Disorderly Persons Offense – You can be ordered to pay a fine of up to $500.
It is crucial that you have an experienced drug crime’s attorney at your side every step of the way. We know the errors that the prosecution often makes while gathering evidence and presenting their case. You need to contact us as soon as possible no matter what type of drug charges you are facing.
Some of our Defense Strategies in Drug Cases
We will challenge and review all investigative tactics to determine if:
You were subject to an illegal search and seizure
There was probable cause for the stop and search
There was probable cause for the traffic stop
If your constitutional rights were violated during the investigation, arrest, and questioning
We will review how the evidence was obtained and processed by evaluating the probable cause for any plain view search, exigent search, or search warrant.
Evaluate the kind of questioning and any statements given by both you and/or any witnesses to see if:
Your rights were properly and timely read to you
See if you were identified in a misleading manner
Determine if the witnesses were reliable
Examine the drug testing procedures and examine if the lab equipment and results were properly used and interpreted.
Review the arrest processing and search procedures to see if there were any procedural mistakes and determine if the strip searches were required and properly performed.
These are just a sample of the strategies that I will explore. I will be able to evaluate your case from a different mindset than any other attorney because of my unique perspective of spending 10 years as a Detective, Detective Sergeant, and Lieutenant in various New Jersey State Police drug interdiction investigative units (Drug Trafficking North Unit, Newark DEA Task Force, Crime Suppression North Unit, Weapons Trafficking North Unit, and Gangs & Organized Crime North Unit).